Local Area SEND Inspection: Survey Information

Wed 06 Mar 2024
Local Area SEND inspection: Survey Information
Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) are visiting Wakefield, as part of a Local Area SEND inspection. They will be looking at arrangements for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) across the whole system including early years, schools and colleges.
There are three surveys’ available for completion:
  • One for professionals
  • One for parents and carers
  • One for young people aged
The surveys will be available for completion until 9.00am on the 12th of March.
The inspection team would like to hear your views about the support that you provide to children and young people with SEND.  They would also like to understand how you work with other agencies to ensure children and young people receive the right support. You can provide your views by completing an online survey at the following link. The inspection team also want to hear from parents and carers of children and young people with SEND aged 0 to 25 and young people with SEND aged 11 and over about the support they received. Please can you share this information with your families and any pupils 11 and over.
The survey link below takes you to the surveys.
Thank you for your support.
Kind Regards
Nathan Heath
Service Director, Education & Inclusion
Children and Young People
Wakefield Council