Enrichment Activities Information

    After school Enrichments


Masterclasses are LIVE
We are delighted to launch the next round of OGAT Masterclasses for students in Key Stage 3. Masterclasses are an enrichment activity designed to inspire students to go further in their learning journeys. Taught by the best teachers across the Central region, our Masterclasses are an excellent way to stretch and challenge students as well as helping them to develop a real love of learning.

Find out more!
Masterclasses are available to students in Years 7-9 and can be accessed through our dedicated Google Site. To find out more, visit the Masterclass website; learn how this programme works and how students can get involved! https://sites.google.com/outwood.com/ks3-ogat-masterclasses/home

Masterclass Awards
Students will be rewarded each half term for completing Masterclasses: our Bronze award is for students who complete 3 Masterclasses, Silver is awarded to students who complete between 4-8 Masterclasses and those who complete 9-10 Masterclasses will achieve Gold.

To find out more about our Masterclass programme, students should speak to their teachers.

For parents/carers here is a short video explaining further how the sessions will work https://youtu.be/f9tqWJy4kIg